Sunday, January 30, 2011

Eagle Wedding December 11, 2010

I had a lovely wedding that I not only got to help consult on, manage and coordinate, but I also was able to be a part of it as a matron of honor. What an honor indeed!

It was a beautiful winter day. 
But beautiful. 

Happy Newlyweds

This was a long process wedding. They were engaged exactly a year to the day before their wedding. So there was a lot of time to plan, research and find the best vendors and venues. Although this may not be the same situation for most people as some engagements are much shorter, the benefit of having a wedding consultant or coordinator is that no matter how long or short your planning process is, you can still have the wedding of your dreams.

As a detail-orientated wedding planner, I would put my guarantee on the fact that you could still have the wedding of your dreams in a reasonable budget regardless of if you had a year or 2 months to plan your special day.

Check out their wedding video, a snap shot video of how the day was done by Blackstone Video Productions

And if you are looking for a production company for your special day, I would highly recommend this one. Check out their link above.

Happy planning everyone!